Course Syllabus

Español I - Profesora Finck


Course description

In this beginning Spanish class, we will focus on communication in the target language in order to develop fluency and confidence in and out of class or where exposure to the language occurs.   


I am committed to your success in this class.  When something is difficult for you or you don’t understand, please let me know!



Power Standards


  • Vocabulary

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking

I can recognize, remember, and use vocabulary related to the course themes.

I can read and understand a variety of texts in Spanish,

I can create authentic, coherent and interesting writing in Spanish.

I can understand information or directions that I hear in Spanish.

I can communicate my ideas and converse with others in Spanish



  • Conversación
  • Estar and conditions
  • SER and characteristics
  • Verb conjugation

I can greet another person and exchange basic personal information.

I can talk about feelings and emotions by using the verb ESTAR.

I can describe people and places by using the verb SER and adjectives.

        I can change the adjectives to match gender and quantity

          I can place the adjective after the noun.

I can talk about likes and dislikes by using GUSTAR, ENCANTAR, FASCINAR, AMAR and other similar verbs.

I can conjugate and use regular -AR, -ER, & -IR verbs in the present tense.




  • Irregular verbs
  • Stem-changing verbs
  • SER v. ESTAR
  • Direct object pronouns

I can conjugate and use common irregular verbs (Ser, Tener, Estar, Ir)

I can conjugate and use stem-changing verbs

I can decide whether to use SER or ESTAR to describe

I can use direct object pronouns

Semester II

Assessments: Students will be assessed on the 4 aspects of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These will be assessed with both formative and summative assessments which may include, but are not limited to:

• lesson quizzes on vocabulary and grammar

• conversational oral exams

• projects about your family, cooking, school community and routines, likes and dislikes.

Curriculum/Textbooks:          Avancemos I (district articulated curriculum)

Additional Resources/Technology:

• iPad apps that will be used may include: iTalk for recording, Quizlet, Duolingo, Wordreference

• supplemental readings, videos, music, movies from a variety of sources related to the topics above.

Course Expectations


    • Respect:
      • We are going to have fun learning together, we need an environment in class where making mistakes is safe so we can all learn. I’ll not tolerate any signs of disrespect.
      • Listen to others and share your thoughts with appropriate academic language and attitude. Be yourself, your best self!


  • Come to class prepared to learn:


      • Be ready to use Spanish as soon as you come to the 3rd floor. I’ll be around before and after class to give you more chances to use the language in the school.
      • Bring all the materials/tools needed for my class. If you need help with this, please let me know, talk to me and we’ll figure it out together.
      • Make sure to complete assignments before class, failure to do so will impact class interaction, activities, and eventually your grade.


  • Help others to succeed:


    • Be a leader! If you master a topic I’d appreciate your help guiding others, this will not only help you to reassure knowledge, but it might also boost your results.
    • Give feedback to your peers in a constructive, polite and sympathetic way. This will ensure you receive feedback that will help everyone go beyond the expectations.
  • This is your classroom for a period a day, but it is my home for the day. So please keep your words and this room clean.
  • Bathroom visits will be limited; please do not abuse this privilege.



Grades will be figured on a point basis by the scale below. Grades are available through the data canvas website.  I encourage students and their families to stay up-to-date about grades, avoiding any surprises at the end of the term.

A = 93-100%             B = 83-86% C = 73-76% D= 60-66%

A- = 90-92%               B- = 80-82%        C-= 70-72% F= Below 60%

B+ = 87-89%             C+ = 77-79%               D+ = 67-69%             


Practice and participation: 50%  daily active participation and use of the target language is a key aspect for success, we will communicate in Spanish only at least 90% of the class time. Practice includes HW given on a daily basis, short compositions, worksheet exercises, book exercises,  in class practice, and on-line assignments. All work should be complete and done with care.


Quizzes and tests: 25%  Every effort will be made to make tests and quizzes meaningful and consistent with the kinds of work we do in class.  Some surprise (pop) quizzes will be given.  Be ready!


Projects: 25%  In this course, we will work toward the completion of some larger, longer-term projects, which may include a cooking project, a family tree, and video creations.  While students will have some time to work in class on these projects, they will represent significant out-of-class work as well.  Emphasis will be on creativity and imagination.


Class notes:  Notebooks should be open every day in class and record what is written on the board, as well as other information that may be useful. Students should be responsible for their own notes; such notes might be key for reviews and class activities.


Unexcused absences and tardies will affect the participation,assignments or quizzes’ credit.  It is your (student’s) responsibility to make sure to find out what work was missed in class.  


Make-up work will only be allowed for excused absences and must be completed in a timely manner within three school days of the student’s return unless otherwise agreed.  

Extra credit

Some extra credit opportunities exist, but this will be given only to students that have shown effort, interest and have been responsible with the work done in and outside of class. Extra credit is not available for unexcused absences, tardies, nor inadequate participation.

Class materials

Students should come to class each day with

  • iPad: needed all year long, we may not use it every day, but you’re required to have it every class. Please bring it charged.  Phones will not substitute iPads.
  • Pencil or pen. 1 or 2 dry-erase fine point  markers to be used on the mini whiteboards if needed.
  • A folder or a section of a large 3-ring binder (including pockets) devoted to Spanish to keep all worksheets, copies given in class. I will try to keep a paperless classroom, but  if papers are given, make sure to keep them.
  • Notebook or notebook paper in binder if preferred.
  • Our textbook, Avancemos I, will be stored in the classroom but students have access to the book on-line for home use.


Shorewood High School World Language Academic Honesty Policy

The World Language department expects students will abide by Shoreline District policy #3202 regarding Ethics and Honesty and policy #3300 regarding Student Conduct and Corrective Actions for Misconduct.  Consequences for first, second, and third offenses can be found in the student handbook. Academic dishonesty includes forgery, plagiarism and cheating.  The World Language department reminds students that the use of translators (human or electronic) constitutes plagiarism.

Shorewood High School Norms

The Shorewood High School dress code/ electronics / tardy policy included in the Shorewood Student Handbook will be followed in this class.

To contact me

The best way for students to see me is to come to class. I am at Shorewood everyday if you want a face to face talk, if you prefer you can also contact me via email at


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Please have your parents/guardian read and sign this syllabus. I want all of us to be on the same page to start this amazing language journey!


Profesora Finck                                          

Parent signature                                                    Date


Student’s name


Course Summary:

Date Details Due